- 74 / 40001 / 45 -
74 / 40001 / 45
4K video | 25:05 m:s | 2018
Artist Statement: As Life becomes more and more stressful, it’s become harder to just stop what you are doing and relax. This lack of relaxation comes from our obsession to control out entire life. 74/40001/45 explores the idea of living in the moment. The piece also presents the beauty of losing control in one’s self for a moment and how that moment effects not only yourself but also the people around you.
74 / 40001 / 45 was first presented as part of Contemporary South (COSO) 2019 between May 3rd thru June 22nd, 2019. COSO is one of the longest-running and most popular recurring projects of VAE Raleigh. This annual exhibition surveys the contemporary art communities in the 11 states that comprise the regional south. Each year the exhibition showcases contemporary works by a diverse group of artists in order to track trends in technical skill, materials, and artistic conceptual thinking.